Wednesday, June 26, 2013

making kefir:

since anita gave me some of her kefir grains earlier this year, i started making kefir on average about 1-2 times a week. 
i have gotten much better at it, and get a thicker consistency than i did in the beginning
in the past i have either used whole milk, or 2% milk - whatever was around.
they both worked just fine. so when i got the sample jar of raw milk from my soon-to-be cow share,
i could not wait and just had to try it out with it:
 take your grains (about 2-3TBLS), place them in the bottom of a jar (mine is a quart jar), fill it up with milk of your choice (leaving enough head space for possible expansion), either stir it up - or what i do is put a lid on it, shake it all up, take lid off and cover jar back up loosley with said lid or with a coffee filter.
then store it in a dry, dark space (i keep it in a cupboard) until the whey has separated from the rest of the milk. depending on the temperature of your house and what kind of milk you use, it could take anywhere from 1-3 days. letting it sit longer lets the milk ferment more, and you get a tangier taste the longer it sits. it should look something like this when ready:
transfer your semi-liquid into a fine mesh colander/sieve and strain out the whey that has separated
(they say not to use a metal bowl or utensil as it can affect the grains - but the sieve is ok)
 once the whey has dripped out - place over bowl and with a wooden or rubber spoon begin working the kefir through the sieve until all you have left are the grains - it should look something like this:
after separating them out, you can add them back to your jar and start the process over - or - if you need to take a break from kefir, put them in the jar, just cover them in milk and leave in the fridge until you need them again.
if the grains start looking a bit "funky" feel free to rinse them off with water before putting back in jar and adding your milk of choice
 when done - i like adding some fruit puree and agave syrup to give it a little flavor
for easy drinking i put it into a smaller mason jar - tasty!!
-i am no authority of kefir - this is just what i do - 
if you would like to read more about it, its benefits, etc, please go check this blog out and the links it has to offer.


  1. Replies
    1. its awesome. let me know if you need grains - mine are growing and multiplying and i could give some away.

  2. I didn't see your reply till just now. I would totally love some kefir grains. Are you living near Richmond? Also, I just tried store-bought kombucha for the first time. Have you ever tried making kombucha?... how about kefir water? I gotta say, your blog makes me reaaallly want a chicken and a garden... and a woodshop, although I would be useless in it. :)

  3. Don't know much about kefir water. Tried kombucha and want to try it again. Need to get a new SCOBY. But I love it. I live a bit far from RVA, but we could figure something out. Am about 1.5 hours away, north of c-ville. Would be happy to share.

  4. Apparently you can order SCOBYs and kefir grains on Amazon.... what CAN'T you order on Amazon?? I might give it a try.
