Sunday, March 16, 2014

chicago bench:

earlier this year i was invited to participate at the "Art and the Urban Garden" show at
 the Lillstreet Gallery in Chicago.
after some thinking and sketching i decided to make a bench for this exhibition.
i started construction on it late last week/early this week.
here are some process shots:

i was moving right along when my router bit started tearing my slats up. i kept trying, as i wanted to make progress, but after it destroyed about 1/3 of the slats i was working on - more than i had made extras, i decided to stop as i came to realize the bit was nothing but dull.
while in Richmond for a few different reasons yesterday i stopped at Woodcraft on my way home and picked up a new flush trim bit so i can commence the routing tomorrow.
we are supposed to have another round of 5-9" of snow tonight/tomorrow, so i am hoping to get lots done while the world is, once again, all white around me.
 hopefully my niece will come and hang out and help me again.