Wednesday, July 3, 2013

garden update:

the chickens are growing so much - not laying yet - but hope so soon. 
they are loving their larger run and that ol' tire thats been out in the yard for who knows how long, is getting some serious chicken action.
 i get great pleasure seeing them run towards me when i come with kale. they simply love kale!
yes - so there is plenty of it. we love it. the chickens love it. yay for kale!
tomatoes are forming and some are starting to ripen!!
like this one we just picked today! so delicious!!!

peppers - hot and sweet - are coming along. the hot peppers are in a new raised bed with top soil and it seems like they are having a very very hard time. they have not grown much since planing them.
our four japanese eggplant is blossoming beautifully
carrots, gooseberries, garlic, and radish are still growing - onions, kohlrabi, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower were harvested and were super yummy. in their place Robert plated some squash, cucumbers and i think some beans...


happened to my leeks:

out of all the leeks i planted, only about 25% were ok. the rest of them were like this.
does anyone know what causes this and how i can keep it from happening??
it just makes me sad.


  1. Um... Looks like that er, fellow is the middle is a um, fellow!

    1. i've been having that suspicion myself..... we will see.....

    2. it is NOT a fellow. guess she just has a long comb.... vain thing.
